Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Eve celebration

As the mother of 3 young children, New Year's Eve is a little different than when I was young...I was in bed by 10pm (though I was woken just after midnight by Kayla having growing pains!). But it was a great night with my family and a fabulous way to end the year.

Velata chocolate fondue, cheese and crackers

a very cheesy husband :)

sausage and potatoes on the raclette

then we did cold slab ice cream...
I chilled the granite top from the raclette in the freezer for several hours, then add ice cream (we did vanilla, but you can get creative and do different flavours)

add in some treats, I had a mini cupcake, smarties and velata milk chocolate. the kids liked crushed oreos, kitkats and smarties.

mix it all together 

Enjoy! It was AWESOME!

here's the stuff we had to add in, mini cupcakes, apple pie filling, chopped kitkats, smarties, and oreos, caramel sauce and velata milk chocolate.
I think next time it would be fun to do a banana split theme, bananas, strawberries, Velata chocolate, caramel sauce, cherries, marshmallow cream, anything you want on a banana split!

New Year!

As I sit here and do a little organizing and planning for the new year, I am taking time to set some goals for the next year. I've posted my goals on my whiteboard. some of them include, run a 1/2 marathon, pay off credit card debt, go to Cancun (Scentsy leadership retreat) in 2015, run 1,000km this year and complete an olympic length triathlon! Not only did I set the goals, but I am also in the process of making a plan on how to achieve these goals, like my goal of running 1,000km this year requires that I run 3 times/week. I'm looking now for a 1/2 marathon to book so that I have a deadline. I'm excited about what 2014 has in store for me and my family!
Do you make goals? write them down, show someone, it makes you accountable and helps you achieve them! Set BHAG's (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), even if you don't achieve them, you'll be further ahead at the end of the year than you are today! I'm going to make it a double yay year!
Here's to 2014!!